Facts About At-Risk Youth in Los Angeles County

Educational Challenges.

Most at-risk youth want to improve their life, but they don’t see the path to success.

Majority of at-risk youth never graduate from high school.

Only 3% graduate from college.

By grade 11, only 20% of at-risk youth are proficient in English.

Only 5% are proficient in math.

Access to Technology.


Majority of at-risk youth have little to no access to technology.


This ever-growing disparity must be corrected.

Societal Cost.

California spends over $600,000 every day on incarcerated at-risk youth.


Community programs with local law enforcement must be part of the solution.

Lifestyle Choices.

At-risk youths have higher obesity rates leading to life-long challenges, costly healthcare and premature death.


Better health habits and health choices need to be engrained in at-risk youth daily decisions.

Financial Choices.

52% of Los Angeles households do not have enough savings to live above the poverty level for just three months.


The youth in these families are one life surprise away from a crisis.

Immerse in a culture of excellence.

Integrating at-risk youth and elite athletes of all ages in sports training, mentors and day-to-day program activities will offer a path to offset the risks each face and enrich the lives of both. 

Your gift can help.

Our team is committed to reducing the societal, ethical and personal suffering of at-risk youth.

Your one-time or recurring contribution will change lives.

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